24 DIY Tips For Preventing Bed Bug Infestations

Are you tired of dealing with bed bug infestations in your South Morang home? Tired of never knowing if they’re gone for good or just hiding away till the next time? With the right DIY tips, you can prevent bed bugs before they ever have a chance to take over!

But first you need to know what these pests look like and what attracts them, along with their favorite hiding spots. Knowing this information will help you keep an eye out for these intruders and help you take action if necessary.

In this article, I’m going to share my top DIY tips for preventing bed bug infestations in houses of South Morang so that you can ensure that your home remains pest-free without having to rely on costly extermination services.

How to Check for Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are a nuisance that can be difficult to get rid of. One of the most common places they like to hide is in mattresses, as they have plenty of cracks and crevices to hide in. To ensure that your mattress is bed bug-free, you should inspect the upper piping along its edges every time you change your sheets.

It’s also recommended to do a more thorough examination by folding the piping over and inspecting both sides all the way around, top and bottom, a couple of times a year or when flipping or rotating your mattress. If signs of bedbugs are found, there are several steps you can take to try and eliminate them from your home.

These may include thorough cleaning of your house, vacuuming regularly, washing clothes on high heat settings, using anti-bedbug sprays, and even seeking professional help. With diligence and patience followed by proper action taken against bedbugs in your mattress and home, you can finally say goodbye to these pesky pests for good!

Know the Warning Signs

Bed bug infestations can be difficult to detect. However, there are some signs that can point to bed bugs in your environment. Bites or other skin lesions may be one of the first signs you notice. These usually present as welt-like bumps similar to a mosquito bite, and they can appear in clusters or lines where multiple bed bugs have fed on one area.

The bites will also most often occur on exposed areas such as the arms, legs, face, and neck, rather than those covered by clothing or sheets. Additionally, signs of activity such as cast skins (shed exoskeletons), eggshells, and observed live insects may all indicate a bed bug infestation.

To further confirm a problem, you should contact your local pest control professional for an inspection and treatment plan if necessary.

DIY Tips For Preventing Bed Bug Infestations

Here are some DIY tips that can help you keep your home free of bed bugs:

1. Rubbing Alcohol

If you are dealing with a bed bug infestation, using rubbing alcohol is an effective solution. Rubbing alcohol has a strong smell that repels bed bugs and can dry out their bodies, leading to death. By spraying it in areas where the pests inhabit, almost half of the infestation can be eliminated.

However, care should be taken when applying rubbing alcohol because it can lead to fire hazards. If you don’t want to risk this, hiring professionals is recommended. With a professional pest control service in South Morang, you can rest assured that your problem will be solved quickly and safely.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a popular alternative to rubbing alcohol for killing bed bugs. It is an essential oil known to fight bacteria and acne, yet it can also be effective in repelling bed bugs. The odor of the tea tree oil will encourage the pests to leave the area, and it may even affect their exoskeleton adversely.

To use it as a remedy for bed bug infestation, simply spray it liberally around areas that are actively infested. It won’t only make your home smell good, but will also help keep the bed bugs away. However, if tea tree oil does not work as a solution to your problem, it is advised to seek professional help from a pest exterminator as soon as possible.

3. Lavender Oil

Lavender is an excellent natural pest control option for homeowners dealing with bed bug infestations. The plants produce oil that can be extracted and used as an essential oil around the home to ward off pests. The strong, unique smell of lavender repels bugs, making it an ideal choice for pest control.

Lavender can also help promote better sleep when used in the bedroom or other living spaces due to its calming aroma. If you are looking for a natural way to get rid of bed bugs and improve your sleep, lavender could be the perfect solution!

4. Blood Orange Oil

Blood orange oil is a safe and effective way to get rid of bed bugs. This essential oil has a strong scent that helps repel pests and keeps them away from your home. You can spray it on the surface of mattresses, pillowcases, clothes, and other infested areas. You can also diffuse the scent throughout your home or room using a diffuser. If you prefer to use it directly on the bed bugs themselves, you can apply it to kill them in no time.

However, this process may take some time but will always be worth it in the end. If you want help getting rid of bed bugs, calling a pest expert in South Morang may be your best option for quick and reliable results.

5. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is an efficient pest solution recommended by experts in South Morang, particularly for bed bugs. This powder is made from fossilized algae and has a pungent odor that bed bugs find unpleasant. When they come into contact with the powder, it dehydrates and kills them by interfering with their body systems and breaking down the waxy exoskeleton.

DE can be readily purchased in local stores or online. To get rid of all the bed bugs, you will have to sprinkle the powder thoroughly across all areas of your house.

Afterward, make sure to clean or vacuum up any DE and dead bed bugs to keep your home clean. With DE, you can slowly but surely solve any bed bug problems you may have.

6. Powdered Pepper

Using powdered pepper to keep bed bugs away from your home is a great solution. The smell of the pepper deters and repels the pests, keeping your family safe from infestation. Powdered pepper is easy to find in stores, or you can hire a pest control company in South Morang for the job.

This natural and affordable solution will not only help you get rid of bed bugs but also create a pleasant aroma in your home.

7. Lemon

The smell of lemon has been known to be a successful deterrent against bed bugs. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is particularly effective in killing these pests, as it contains harsh properties that eliminate the problem quickly. To keep your home or property free from bed bugs, you can spray fresh lemon juice around the area or have a pest exterminator in South Morang perform professional extermination.

8. Cinnamon

Apart from the strategies already mentioned, cinnamon is a natural bed bug deterrent. Bed bugs are incredibly sensitive to the smell of cinnamon and will avoid it at all costs. You can spread the powder across your bed or purchase products containing cinnamon as an ingredient to keep your bedroom free from these pesky bugs.

9. Peppermint

One of the best solutions is using peppermint. This plant has a strong and unpleasant smell which bed bugs and other pests hate. You can release the scent of peppermint by using the leaves or peppermint oil which can be easily sprayed around your house.

Doing this regularly will help repel any bed bugs and keep them away from your home. Additionally, its pleasant smell will also keep your home smelling fresh.

10. Neem Oil

Neem oil is another effective way to repel bed bugs from your home. Neem oil is a natural insect repellent that can help get rid of pests like bed bugs. Its odor will make them leave quickly and is also known to be effective against mosquitoes.

11. Cover Power Outlets

Covering power outlets can be extremely effective in eliminating bed bugs, as they are known to hide inside the outlet holes when trying to evade extermination.

12. Store Your Clothing in Vacuum-Sealed Bags

Vacuum-sealed bags are a great way to protect your clothing from bed bug infestations. By sealing them in these airtight bags, you will make it difficult for pests to access your belongings. This method can even be used when traveling, ensuring that you don’t bring bed bugs home with you from a hotel. You can also use vacuum-sealed bags to store away seasonal clothing and fabric items until they are needed again.

13. Get Professional Bed Bug Treatment

To get rid of bed bugs safely and effectively, it is best to hire a professional pest control company that specializes in bed bug treatments. Professional pest controllers are specifically trained to use the products and tools required for the successful elimination of these pesky pests.

Attempting to take care of a bed bug infestation yourself can be hazardous, and may lead to serious health risks as well as damage to your property.

Therefore, it is essential to contact qualified professionals who can eliminate your bed bugs once and for all.

14. Vacuum Your Floor

Vacuumming carpets, mattresses, box springs, and floors (especially where the floor and wall meet) regularly will help you to get rid of bed bugs..

Additionally, when vacuuming these areas, make sure you remove the vacuum bag once finished and place it in a sealed trash bag before disposing of the debris outdoors. Taking this precaution will reduce the risk of bed bugs re-entering your home.

15. Check Your Pets

It is important to be aware of the possibility that bed bugs may be attracted to a pet’s bed. Regularly inspecting and monitoring the area where your pet sleep can help detect any possible infestations. Washing and drying the bed on a regular basis can also help to reduce any existing or potential issues.

It may also be beneficial to move the bedding away from walls and other areas with crevices, which may provide an ideal environment for bed bugs to lay eggs and feed. Maintaining regular cleaning habits can ensure that your pet’s sleeping area remains free of pests.

16. Cut Back On Clutter

One of the most effective ways to prevent or get rid of a bed bug infestation is to reduce or eliminate clutter. Start by disposing or donating any items that you no longer need, and organize and store your remaining belongings in an orderly fashion.

Areas with high walls or shelving are particularly attractive hiding spots for bed bugs, so vacuum and dust these areas regularly. Taking steps like these can help make your home less inviting to bed bugs and can help keep them away.

17. Cover Your Mattress

To get rid of an infestation, it is important to use mattress and box spring encasements like mattress-safe covers. The casings should be made of sturdy, tear- and fold-resistant fabric such as cloth. The cover should feature a full zipper closure with no folds around the zipper that could provide hiding spots for bed bugs.

It is also important to ensure that your mattress cover fits snugly and securely against your bed frame so as not to provide any gaps for bed bugs to escape. Once encased, it is essential to frequently inspect your mattress for any signs of bed bug activity and replace the casing if needed.

18. Use Bed Bug Monitors

ClimbUp Monitors are helpful tools for preventing and detecting bed bugs in your bedroom. To use them properly, make sure to place the devices under the feet of each bedpost. Additionally, it is important to clean these devices routinely in order to effectively monitor for bed bug activity.

19. Always Check Used Items Before Buying

It is important to check second-hand items, such as electronics, for bed bugs before bringing them into the home, as the insects can hide in areas like vents or crevices in products like stereos, television sets, computers, remotes, and gaming systems.

Even if these items appear clean on the surface, they should still be checked thoroughly to make sure no bed bugs are present. This is an important step towards ensuring your home remains pest-free.

20. Avoid Moving Blankets

When moving, you should always make sure to use your own moving blankets to cover and protect your items. Moving blankets provided by a moving company may have been used before, which could lead to an infestation of bed bugs or other pests.

Additionally, these blankets may not be washed or cleaned regularly, so it is best to purchase new ones or use your own if possible. Using your own blankets will help ensure that all the items in your move stay clean and safe.

21. Seal Your Home From Bed Bugs

Besides avoiding picking up bed bugs from public transportation and other places, there are a few things you can do to prevent them from entering your home. First, repair or apply silicone caulk to any cracks both inside and outside of your home as these provide the perfect hiding place for bed bugs.

Check your windows and screens for any torn or damaged areas that may give bed bugs access to your home.

22. Beware Of Bed Bugs in Public Places

Bed bugs can also be found in unexpected places like store dressing rooms. These areas provide ideal hiding spots for the pests, often in cushioned furniture or carpeted flooring.

To reduce your risk of taking any bed bugs home on your clothing or purchases, it is important to be aware of these risks when shopping. Avoid hanging your items on the cushioned seating provided in dressing rooms and opt instead for the wall hooks that are usually provided.

Additionally, inspect all purchased items for any signs of bedbugs before leaving the store. Taking these precautions can help to prevent bedbugs from becoming unwelcome visitors to your home.

23. Prevent Bed Bugs When Traveling

Travelers should always be vigilant for the signs of bed bugs when staying in a hotel. Determine if your room has signs of an infestation, Examine your luggage carefully, Assess your luggage upon returning home, Move all clothing immediately to a dryer, and Check for bed bugs.

Additionally, it is important to keep luggage off the floor and store it away from bedrooms.

24. Bed Bugs From Laundromats

It is essential to take precautions when using shared laundry facilities in order to avoid the spread of bed bugs. Whenever possible, opt for closed plastic bags instead of open baskets when transporting your laundry.

Additionally, it is important to be aware of where you put your freshly cleaned clothes; try not to leave them on countertops or floors as this can help reduce the risk of introducing bed bugs into your home.

What Should You Do If You Find Bed Bugs During Travel?

If you find bed bugs during travel, it is important to take immediate action. First, contact the hotel staff and let them know about the infestation. It is also advisable to move to a different room or hotel as soon as possible. Afterward, make sure to properly inspect your luggage for any signs of bed bugs before taking it home.

All clothing items should be laundered in hot water and dried on the highest heat setting available. If possible, store all of your luggage away from bedrooms or other living areas to avoid further contamination.


Bed bugs are nasty pests that can cause a lot of stress and worry. By taking the time to learn more about them and understanding their habits, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is safe from these unwanted visitors.

Regularly checking your beds and couches, vacuuming regularly, and washing your bedding frequently are all effective methods for preventing an infestation in South Morang homes.

Remember – prevention is always better than cure when it comes to pest control! Keep these DIY tips in mind and make sure you act quickly if you suspect that bed bugs may have made their way into your home – don’t let them take over!
