How To Get Rid Of Ants In Your Kitchen In 6 Easy Steps?

Ants in the kitchen are a common problem in Whittlesea. They can get into your food and contaminate it with germs, as well as leave nasty trails around the countertop and other surfaces. Nobody wants this to happen in their home!

Fortunately, getting rid of ants is easier than you might think. All you need is to be aware of prevention measures, know how to identify ant species, use proper cleaning solutions and practice some natural methods.

In this article, we will talk about the best ways to eliminate Ants from your Kitchen in Whittlesea Melbourne. We’ll go through identifying ant species, using appropriate cleaning solutions, and other DIY control tactics to help keep ants away for good.

Why Are There Ants in My Kitchen?

One of the main reasons why ants enter your kitchen is to search for food, water, and shelter. Ants are attracted to sugary foods, crumbs, and other sources of food that they can find in your kitchen. If there are any cracks or crevices, they can also use them as a way to get inside your home. Moisture is also an attractive source for ants, so any leaky faucets or pipes can be a reason why they’re entering your kitchen.

Keep Your Kitchen Ant-free

The most common type of ant found in Whittlesea is the Argentine Ant (Linepithema Humile). This species is usually black or brown in color and measure up to 4mm long. They are known for their large colonies and foraging habits.

Getting rid of ants in the kitchen can be an annoying problem, but luckily there are some home remedies that can help. Start by identifying where the ants have set up a colony and then use the home remedies to kill or get rid of them. Make sure to eliminate the queen ant to prevent their return.

Then, seal all gaps and cracks in your walls, windows, and doors so that new ants can’t get in. Finally, refresh your home and limit clutter so that there are fewer hiding places for any remaining ants. By following these steps you will be able to effectively get rid of the ant problem in your kitchen.

Ways to Get Rid of Kitchen Ants

If you’ve noticed a line of ants marching around your kitchen, it’s important to take action quickly. Ants are annoying and can spread bacteria in your home, so it’s best to get rid of them as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are several methods you can use to get rid of kitchen ants without having to call in an exterminator.

1. Destroy the Ant Colony

By following the paths from where they enter and where they exit, you may be able to spot the colony. If so, applying insecticide directly to the nest is the best way to prevent future ants from taking their place.

2. Using Dish Soap

Dish soap is an effective and easy home remedy for getting rid of black ants in the kitchen. You can fill a spray bottle with dishwashing liquid mixed with glass cleaner, and use it to clean off every surface that the ants have access to. Thoroughly wiping down these surfaces will help eliminate any pheromone residue.

Even using dish soap alone is enough to keep new black ant trails away while you are waiting for more powerful treatments to take effect. This is a simple, low-effort solution to dealing with tiny ants in the kitchen.

3. Using Hot Water

Pouring boiling water into ant holes near your home can immediately kill almost everything inside. This won’t completely destroy the entire colony, but it can do enough damage control to divert their path away from your kitchen counter.

In order to be effective, be sure to target any anthills in close proximity to your house. If done correctly, this could reduce the number of ants entering your home and help keep them away for good.

4. Seal Ants Out

Once you’re sure the ants’ nest has been mostly eliminated, it’s time to start ant-proofing your kitchen. Sealing cracks and crevices with caulk or joint compounds can help prevent any newly arriving ants from entering. Additionally, applying boric acid in the same areas can be an effective way to further protect your kitchen from an ant invasion.

5. Use Boric Acid

Boric acid is a natural insecticide that can be used to get rid of ants in the kitchen. It is a white powder composed of boron and other elements, and it is safe to use around pets and children. To use it, sprinkle the powder along ant trails, in crevices where they may enter your home, or around the perimeter of your kitchen. Boric acid will kill the ants that come into contact with it, and can also act as a repellent for future ant invasions.

6. Prevent Ants From Coming Back

After managing the ant infestation, it is recommended that one takes precautionary measures to avoid similar events occurring in the future. This may include storing food and pet food in airtight containers, avoiding leaving food or drinks uncovered, cleaning up any spills right away, washing dishes immediately, and ensuring that the kitchen sink is completely dry.

It is important to sweep, mop and vacuum regularly. Additionally, use durable garbage bags that don’t have any holes or leaks when taking out the trash, and make sure the lid of the garbage can is closed securely. Taking these preventative measures will help keep your kitchen ant-free.

How to Prevent Ants from Coming into The Kitchen?

The best way to permanently stop kitchen ants is to take preventative measures. Start by sealing up any cracks or crevices, and use boric acid in these areas as well.

1. Proper food storage is vital

Preventing ant infestations in your pantry can be as simple as keeping food stored in sealed, reusable containers. Pet food should also be stored in airtight containers and the area around the pet bowl cleaned up.

Ripe fruits should also be kept in the refrigerator rather than left out on kitchen counters. In addition to preventing ant infestations, this can help prevent rodent and cockroach infestations. Taking these preventative measures is an effective way to avoid having to deal with ants in the first place.

2. Beware of moisture

Ants enter homes in search of shelter, food, and water. To prevent them from getting their water from standing sources, it is important to eliminate damp dish towels or mats in the kitchen, repair any leaky pipes, place a cup over the kitchen sink’s drain, and eliminate standing water around houseplants.

Additionally, for those who have houseplants, regularly spraying them with a mixture of dish soap and water can help clear away any residue that may draw in pests like aphids. Taking these steps can help keep ants and other pests away from your home.

3. Clean your kitchen

In order to prevent ants from infesting your kitchen, it is important to remove any food sources they may be attracted to. This includes wiping down countertops and tables, sealing food tightly in containers, and cleaning up any crumbs or spills.

Additionally, you should regularly vacuum and mop the floors and promptly clean the dishes after each meal. Finally, you may want to consider seeking the help of a professional pest control company if your problem persists.

By following these steps and staying vigilant about keeping your kitchen clean, you can drastically reduce the chances of ants taking over your space.

4. Utilize naturally deterring scents

One way to keep ants away without using harsh or hazardous chemicals is to use scents that disrupt their olfactory receptors. Peppermint oil, lemon, and cinnamon are known to deter ants, so try spraying diluted oils around your kitchen or sprinkling cinnamon in areas where you see them congregate.

You can also sprinkle coffee grounds and/or cayenne pepper for a more natural deterrent. Alternatively, consider placing pouches of Stay Away Ants & Cockroaches on your kitchen counters; this plant-based pouch harnesses a research-backed blend of plant fibers and essential oils such as peppermint oil, lemongrass, and thyme oil to repel the insects without poisoning or killing them.

5. Make small home repairs

In addition to keeping the kitchen free of crumbs, food scraps, and other sources of food for ants, it is important to take steps to prevent them from entering your home in the first place.

Sealing tiny crevices with caulk, replacing the damaged window and door screens, and replacing any rotten wood around entry points can be effective ways to keep ants, as well as other pests, out of the kitchen.

6. Add lemon and orange to everything

Lemon and orange can be an effective way to deter ants from entering your kitchen. CEO of Picked for Home, Chris Spencer suggests squeezing drops of either lemon or orange juice in the entry points where ants usually enter, leaving the peels of these fruits on their path, or mopping the floor with a mop mixed with either lemon or orange juice.

This will create a citrusy smell that ants do not enjoy. It is important to keep in mind that this method should be used only for infrequent occurrences of ant problems as it does not provide a long-term solution.

However, if you are looking for an inexpensive and natural remedy for pesky ants, then citrus could be the perfect solution.

7. Sprinkle some pepper

Black pepper is a very useful ingredient that can be used to repel pests and enhance your food. Since it’s safe for pets and children, it’s an ideal option for repelling kitchen ants.

Simply sprinkle some black pepper in the areas where you typically spot ants, and they should stay away due to the strong smell. This simple solution is both effective and cost-effective.

8. Do not use spray repellants or poisons

When dealing with an ant problem, it is important to find the source of the ants rather than spraying them directly with insect repellant. Doing so could cause them to multiply and make your ant problem worse.

If quick action is needed, you can try drenching the ant nest with an insecticide spray. Make sure to read all instructions carefully before use, and be sure to wear the appropriate safety equipment.


Why Am I Getting Ants In My Kitchen?

Ants in the kitchen can be caused by a variety of things, such as food and water sources, gaps and cracks providing access to your home, or fragrant scents that are attracting them. To keep ants out of your kitchen, you should make sure to clean up any messes quickly, seal up any access points to your home, and try using lemon juice or vinegar-based cleaners to repel them.

What Kills Tiny Ants In the Kitchen?

Common kitchen ingredients like vinegar, lemon juice, and liquid dish soap can all help to kill tiny ants in your kitchen. Vinegar helps as it disrupts their communication trails and is also toxic to most ant species. To create an effective solution mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle, spray it directly onto the ants, or their entry points, and watch them disappear!

What Is The Best Ant Killer For the Kitchen?

The best type of ant killer for the kitchen is a natural insecticide. Natural options, such as boric acid, diatomaceous earth, or essential oils like clove and lemon, can help target any colonies that have grown in your kitchen.

What Home Remedy Can I Use To Get Rid Of Ants?

One of the most effective home remedies to get rid of ants is using a mixture of equal parts vinegar in water. Spray or spread the mixture around baseboards, windowsills, and other areas where ants may enter your home. You can also use a stronger vinegar solution (2 parts vinegar, 1 part water) as an ant repellent and spray it directly on ants to kill them.

What Kills Ants Permanently?

A good way to kill ants permanently is to use an insecticide such as boric acid, pyrethrin, or permethrin. These products contain chemicals that ants can ingest and will eventually cause their death. Additionally, you can spray with soapy water or vinegar to repel ants away from your home.


Getting rid of ants in your kitchen need not be a daunting task. While it may take some effort and the use of a variety of insecticides and other tools, it can be done.

If these methods fail to produce results, professional exterminators are available to help you get rid of the infestation quickly and permanently. By taking these steps, you can soon say goodbye to ant trouble for good!
