How To Keep Rodents Out Of Your Home: 12 Simple Solutions!

Are you fed up with food shortages and ruined furniture caused by pesky rodents invading your home? You don’t have to watch helplessly as they munch on your provisions, chew through the carpet, or raise their babies in your walls anymore.

In this article, we’ll discuss ways to stop these undesirables from destroying your home. Mill Park Pest Control has extensive expertise in dealing with insects and rodents, so you can trust their advice – what works here will work anywhere.

If you follow the steps laid out in this article then pests of all kinds won’t stand a chance! Keep reading to find out about preventing and treating rodent infestations for good.

Signs of Rodents

If you have noticed any disruptions and destruction around your home, it could mean rats or mice have made themselves a home too. Signs that these pests are present may include dark droppings of feces along walls or in places where food materials can be found, as well as chewed holes and rubbed marks, and gnawed areas near baseboards and floors where pipes run through.

You might even find nests filled with shredded paper and wood shavings in hidden places such as drawers and cabinets. In this article, we will discuss the various signs that indicate a rat or mouse has made its way into your home, how to identify them, and how to safely remove them from your space.

Ways to Keep Rodents Out of the House

The best way to keep rodents out of your home is to make sure that there is no food or shelter available for them. Here are some tips on how to do this:

1. Block All Entry Points

Taking preventative measures to keep mice and rats away is key, especially during the fall. Inspect your foundation and walls for potential entry points and repair any cracks. Make sure weather seals along the bottom of garage doors are in good shape, and inspect your attic for insulation, as rodents love the warmth from it. Seeds from bird feeders are a tasty treat for mice, so keep them as far from the house as possible.

2. Seal Pet Food

Planning on stocking up on food for your beloved cats and dogs? Good idea! But don’t let your furry friend’s meal be a feast for rodents, too. Store dog and cat food in airtight containers upon purchase. That way, you won’t risk pouring out an unwanted surprise: the squeaking of a mouse in their food bowl.

Dry pet foods are a tasty snack for rodents, so make sure they’re stored securely and off the ground. Get yourself some sealed, airtight storage containers – these can significantly reduce any rodent intrusions into your furry friend’s meals.

3. Seal Garbage Bins

Rats, mice, and other pests are a dangerous problem in any home. Garbage cans and bins kept too close to the house or garage can be a particularly attractive invitation for these critters. It is important to keep these receptacles secured with air-proof lids, as far from your house as possible, and placed on platforms above the ground.

Additionally, consider securing lids with bungee cords or heavy rocks to help prevent any unwanted guests from entering your property.

4. Control Foundation Plantings

Mice and rats can cause a lot of damage when they invade homes. They are attracted to havens close to the house like dense shrubs and garden planting. Unfortunately, these spaces provide them easy access to the foundation or walls and they can find open entry points into the home.

To ensure that rodents do not enter the home, it is important to plant shrubs a few feet from the house and to keep soil levels low.

Regular inspection for problems like mouse entryways is recommended before an infestation occurs by taking preventative action and clearing possible hiding spots around your house.

5. Seal Dry Foods

Having a pest issue in the home, particularly when it comes to food, can be quite problematic. This is because food kept in bags or paper cartons is easily accessible to rodents and bugs, such as weevils. The best way to combat this issue is by storing flour, sugar, and other food items in tightly sealed plastic or metal containers on high shelves or in the refrigerator.

This means that pests will not have an incentive to enter your home if they are unable to smell any sources of food.

6. Clean Floors and Countertops

Having a nasty, unkept house is an invitation to rodents like mice and rats. It is advisable to have a sweeper and avoid leaving bowls of pet food on the floor. For bird owners, always sweep up any seeds that have fallen under the cage so as to avoid attracting unwanted visitors.

Taking a few simple measures to keep your home tidy and clean can make all the difference in keeping away unwanted visitors. Paying attention to bird cages is also important, as seed spillage can attract pests unknowingly.

7. Keep The Entrances Closed

It is important to take steps to prevent rodents from entering your garage. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure that the garage door is closed immediately after entering or exiting your car. It is important to keep side entry doors, sliding patio doors, and basement windows closed or protected with screens.

Finally, it is best not to leave any entries open overnight as this could invite rodents in during their most active hours. By following these simple steps, you can help keep rodents out of your garage.

8. Set Traps and Bait

Setting up live traps or bait stations indoors can help you detect the presence of rodents in your home. Humane traps such as chamber-type devices with a spring-loaded door should be used, rather than sticky traps which can cause the mouse immense pain if caught.

If you have no qualms about killing mice, then traditional spring traps are also an option. Regardless of the type of trap chosen, it is important to monitor them regularly and dispose of any trapped mice quickly and humanely.

9. Warning

It is important to consider safety when using poison baits to control rodents in Mill Park, Melbourne. Never leave poison baits outdoors where curious pets or squirrels can find them and accidentally ingest them–this is a major cause of pet poisoning in the area.

Additionally, if mice are killed by indoor poisons, they may die in the walls, leading to another problem of decaying remains. By being mindful and using precautions for safety, you can use poison baits effectively without causing harm to pets or other animals.

10. Use Natural Repellents

Eucalyptus oil has been shown to have some success in repelling rats, but the efficacy of this method is improved when applied daily or alternatively rather than just once a week. This suggests that the repellent effect of eucalyptus oil is short-lived due to its volatile nature. It is therefore important to regularly re-apply the oil if rodent control is desired.

11. Adopt Pet Predator

Having pets in the home can be a great way to control rodents. Most pet food is readily available to rodents, so to get the most out of your pet as a rodent deterrent, select breeds with attributes suited for hunting small rodents. Breeds such as terriers or cats that are young and active are usually the best choices, as they will be naturally inclined to hunt and catch any unwelcome visitors in your house.

Additionally, some types of owls may also help reduce rodent populations outdoors if you have them nesting on your property.

12. Use essential oils

Essential oils can be a great way to naturally repel mice from your home. Soaking cotton balls in strong-smelling essential oils, such as peppermint or clove oil, and placing them in areas of mouse activity – such as drawers, cupboards, or under sinks – can help prevent mice from entering these areas. Odors may not be sufficient to get rid of mice, but they can be an effective supplemental measure when used in conjunction with other measures.

The benefits of using essential oils are that they are easy and affordable to use and are safe for kids and pets. The downside is that the cotton balls will need to be replaced or re-soaked every few days to maintain the effectiveness

How Do I Keep Mice Out Of My House?

Mice can be a nuisance in your home, but there are steps you can take to keep them out. Here are some ways to help keep mice away from your house:

1. Use a mouse-proof barrier

To ensure mouse-proofing your home, start by sealing off any potential access points like small gaps or holes in exterior walls and foundations. This can be done using steel wool, metal sheeting, or other materials that mice cannot chew through.

You can use a combination of caulk and steel wool to fill in larger crevices. Be sure to inspect regularly for signs of new entries and seal them quickly before the mice can move in!

2. Mind your weather stripping

It’s important to regularly inspect the weather stripping around your home for any signs of wear and tear. If the weather stripping is loose or worn out, it can create an entranceway for mice and other pests. To prevent this from happening, replace any damaged weather stripping with new material.

Make sure that there aren’t any gaps in your door frames or windows where rodents could enter. By taking these simple steps, you will help keep these unwanted visitors out of your home.

3. Add screens

It’s important to take steps to protect your home from invaders such as rodents and insects. Place durable wire screens over vents, openings to chimneys, and any other gaps where critters could access your home.

Odors that Will Deter Rats in Your Home

Rat deterrents can be a useful tool for keeping these pests away from your home. Chemical smells, predator smells, and natural odors are all things that rats generally dislike.

1. Natural Smell

Peppermint oil, chili powder, eucalyptus, and citronella are all known to have repellent capabilities for these rodents.

Peppermint oil can be used by applying a few drops of essential oil onto a cotton ball, which should then be placed in areas where mice activity is suspected. Plants with this same scent can also be planted around the perimeter of the house to keep the rats away. Chili powder sprinkled in areas like cupboards or entryways may help deter them as well as eucalyptus diluted in 5%, 10%, or 20% concentration sprayed in pathways every day. Citronella has been linked to reducing rodents’ appetite and may cause them to avoid areas where the smell is strong.

2. Chemical Smell

Using chemical repellents in the home is a popular method for getting rid of mice, and there are several chemicals that mice and other rodents hate — ammonia, bleach, and mothballs. To use ammonia as a deterrent, mix two cups of the chemical with 6.5 ounces of water and 2 spoons of detergent; then pour into a bowl and place it in an area where rats pass through.

Bleach can also be used to deter rodents but should be diluted with water before use to prevent any health hazards or unpleasant odors. Mothballs contain naphthalene which is also disliked by mice and other rodents but must be used conservatively as its scent can linger in the area even after its presence is gone.

3. Predator Smell

The smell of predators can be a powerful deterrent for rats. Studies have shown that when exposed to the scents of cats and ferrets, rats released stress hormones and exhibited defensive behaviors such as prolonged rearing, grooming inhibition, and avoidance of items that have predator scent.

Keeping a pet cat in the home may help in repelling mice; however, it is important to remember that if cornered, rats can become aggressive and may cause harm to the pet or transmit disease-carrying parasites. To ensure effective mouse deterrence and prevent potential harm, consider using rodent traps instead.


Do Mice Ever Go Away?

Mice usually live close to where they can find food and other resources. If these become hard to find, a mouse may choose to move away from that area. However, if conditions are ideal for them, such as an abundance of food and shelter, mice will stay put and even reproduce.

Where Do Mice Hide During The Day?

Mice like to hide and sleep in dark, cramped areas during the day. Common hiding places include garages, basements, closets, attics, under furniture, inside cupboards or storage boxes, near food sources, and behind appliances such as stoves and refrigerators.

What do mice look like?

House mice typically have light gray or brown fur on their bodies and a lighter shade of fur on their bellies. They also have large ears, bulging black eyes, and a long tail. Adult mice generally measure between 2-4 inches in length and have a lifespan of up to two years.

What Do Mice Eat?

Mice are omnivores, so they eat a wide variety of foods. This can include seeds and nuts, fruits, vegetables, insects, eggs, meat, and milk products. Store-bought food often contains a combination of these ingredients in the form of pellets or seeds.


In conclusion, keeping rodents out of your home is a task that requires dedication and persistent effort. Using these strategies as a starting point and following the advice of pest control experts in Mill Park, you can create an effective plan to keep rodents at bay.

Along with cleaning up food messes, sealing off access points, and reducing food sources for rats, getting professional help can ensure that your efforts are successful. Remember, the earlier you intervene, the better chance you have of avoiding a full-blown infestation!
