Top 14 Signs Of A Termite Infestation In Your Home

Do you live in Epping, Melbourne? Are you worried about termite infestations potentially destroying your home’s foundation? Have no fear – this article will help you identify the signs of a termite infestation in your home and suggest the best termite extermination service in Epping.

By recognizing these signs early on, you can quickly take steps to hire a professional termite extermination service that can set up an exterminating solution that best suits your needs. Don’t ignore these warnings; start searching for solutions now so you can protect your home from further destruction!

What Are Termites?

Termites are small insects that are usually between one-fourth and half an inch in length, and they have straight antennae and bodies that may range from white to dark brown in color. The kings and queens of some species may be up to twice the length of other termites.

Certain types of termites, such as subterranean, dry wood, and damp wood termites, can be found throughout the United States, although it is important to do research to be able to identify them accurately.

Additionally, some species have winged termites that can fly. It is important to note that these bugs can cause serious damage to the wood so it is essential to detect and address any problem as soon as possible.

Early Signs

Termites can be destructive pests for homeowners in Epping, Melbourne, especially during the spring and summer months. The most common species of termite found in this region is the Eastern Subterranean Termite. These termites are harder to detect than dry wood termites since they typically live and nest underground.

To know if you have an infestation, look for these 5 warning signs: visible mounds of dirt along the foundation; weakened or damaged wood; mud tubes along walls or near entry points; flying termites (known as swarmers); and droppings that look like small piles of sawdust on floors, windowsills, and other surfaces.

If any of these signs are present, it is important to take action immediately to reduce the risk of further damage to your home. This can include scheduling annual inspections with a qualified exterminator to check for activity before it becomes an issue. Additionally, taking preventive measures such as sealing cracks and crevices around windows and doors can help keep termites at bay.

Here are 5 early signs of a potential termite infestation to look out for:

  1. Stuck windows or doors.
  2. Damage under paint or wallpaper.
  3. Termite swarmers & discarded wings.
  4. Mud tubes.
  5. Termite droppings.

What are the signs of a termite infestation?

One of the best ways to prevent costly termite damage to your home is to be proactive and inspect for signs of termites on a regular basis. You should also invest in a termite protection plan from a reputable company that includes an annual inspection.

By proactively searching for signs of termites, you can help ensure early detection and reduce the chances of costly damage to your property.

The following are signs of possible termite activity:

1. Buckling in wood flooring

If you notice buckling, blisters, or discolored areas on your wood floors, it could be a sign of termite activity in or beneath the floor. Termites have a preference for softer woods and can cause significant damage to the subfloor before you even realize they are present.

Paying close attention to any changes in your wood flooring can help catch issues early and prevent more serious damage. Repairing damaged wood floors caused by termites can be difficult due to the complexity of the issue, so it’s best to take preventive measures such as regular inspection and pest control.

2. Hollowed or damaged wood

Wood damage caused by termites can be difficult to spot as they are known to eat your walls from the inside out. You may be able to identify structural changes like long grooves resembling a maze-like or honeycomb pattern that weaken the wood.

Additionally, tapping on the walls may result in an empty sound, as the wood has been hollowed out from the inside. If you suspect that you have a termite infestation, it is important to seek help from an exterminator as soon as possible in order to avoid further structural damage.

3. Swarmers (flying termites)

A swarm of termites can indicate the presence of a potential infestation and should be addressed by a pest control professional. Swarms often consist of hundreds or thousands of termites and usually occur at certain times throughout the year.

The sooner the problem is addressed, the less likely it is for termite damage to occur. Additionally, it may be possible to prevent future infestations by having regular inspections from a qualified inspector.

4. Discarded termite wings

Discarded wings may indicate a termite infestation since termites swarm out of their nest for mating and colony establishment. They are attracted to light emanating from the windows, doors, and other home access points, and when they land, termites intentionally twist off their wings because they won’t need them again.

If you notice piles of discarded wings near these areas, it could be an indication that termites are trying to build a colony nearby. It is important to take action if you find signs of a potential infestation as quickly as possible in order to prevent damage to your home or property.

5. Damaged doors and windows

Termites can cause serious damage to wood, such as warping and buckling. This can lead to your windows and doors becoming stuck or not closing properly, which could be a sign of a termite infestation. If you notice any difficulty opening or closing your windows or doors, it’s important to inspect the wood around them for signs of termite damage.

6. Mud tubes

Subterranean termites can be a serious problem for homeowners and can cause significant damage to structures. These insects create mud tubes, which are typically pencil-sized and are used to reach food sources such as houses. The tunnels block out cool, dry air which helps provide the ideal conditions for termites to survive.

7. Drywood termite droppings (frass)

Drywood termites can indicate their presence through the mounds of pellets they kick out of their nests. The pellets look like sawdust or coffee grounds, and are a result of the termites tunneling and eating wood inside the structure.

These pellets may accumulate on window sills, floors, or other surfaces in the vicinity of where the termites are nesting.

8. Seeing Live termites

When remodeling your home, it’s important to take note of the condition of the wood, as termites may be present. Termites are commonly found in homes due to renovations and remodeling projects, as they can burrow into damp wood or soil around the house and feed on cellulose-containing materials such as tree stumps and firewood piles.

9. Bubbling under paint or wallpaper

Termites can cause significant damage to your home, and one of the first places they may attack is drywall and wallpaper. Termites feed on cellulose, which is found in paper products like drywall, so you may notice pin-sized holes in your drywall or wallpaper where the termites have eaten their way through.

Additionally, bubbling beneath your wallpaper or paint can be a sign that termites are present. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action as soon as possible to mitigate the problem before it becomes more severe. A professional exterminator can help you determine a treatment plan that will eliminate the infestation and prevent future problems.

10. Moldy scents

If you suspect the presence of termites in your home, a professional termite inspection is an important step to take. Look for signs of wood with a moldy scent in high moisture situations, as this indicates that there may be termite activity.

If you are unsure of the source of the smell, contact a pest control expert to further investigate and ensure your home is safe from termite damage.

11. Severe structural damage

Termites can eat through support beams, causing ceilings to dip and crack, floorboards to buckle, and wood to fail. These damages can be difficult and expensive to repair, so it is important to take action as soon as you suspect an infestation.

12. Squeaky floors

Left unaddressed, termite damage can be quite severe to your flooring and subflooring. Termites eat away at wood and other materials, causing them to eventually buckle and blister. In the case of tile flooring, this can result in loose tiles and an increased amount of noise when you walk in the affected areas.

13. Noises inside walls

You may be able to hear evidence of a termite infestation in your home if you have excellent hearing or use a stethoscope. The sound will be a faint clicking, coming from the soldiers inside the walls. This is their way of signaling danger when they perceive it.

Without any perceived danger, there will likely be no sound at all. It is important to pay attention to these noises for signs of an infestation, as termites can cause extensive damage to your home if left unchecked.

14. Stuck Windows or Doors

Termites can cause serious damage to your home and furniture, often starting with easy-to-reach places like windows and door frames. As these areas become more damaged, the wood loses its strength and becomes difficult to open or close. In addition, moisture can seep into small gaps between boards and cause them to swell up and rot.

What to Do If You Have Termites in Your Walls

If you have signs of a termite infestation in your drywall, it is important to take immediate action. There are several options for treating the problem, including setting up termite baits, using a termiticide, or calling a professional exterminator.

Termite Baits are effective in attracting and killing termites. Place them strategically around your home to target the infestation, but make sure they are out of reach of children and pets. Termiticides can also be used as an indoor treatment option and should be applied according to the instructions on the product label.

For more serious cases of termites, it is best to call a professional service that specializes in pest control. They can inspect your property for any signs of infestation and provide an effective extermination plan that is tailored to your needs. Although the cost may be higher than other DIY treatments, it will give you peace of mind knowing that all traces of termites have been eliminated from your house.

Will Termites Go Away on Their Own?

Termites will continue to feed on wooden structures until the food source is gone. They are adept at hiding from predators and rarely interact with other insects. Once they’ve found a suitable habitat, they could stay in one place for up to four years before moving on to another food source.

Therefore, if you suspect a termite infestation it’s important to take steps to address the problem as quickly as possible to prevent further damage.

Make Your Home Less Enticing to Termites

To prevent termite infestation, it is important to follow good home and building maintenance procedures. Make sure there is no wood-to-ground contact in your yard, and use pressure-treated wood when constructing a deck or other wooden structures to make them more resistant to termites.

Additionally, keep an eye out for any sources of moisture that could attract the insects. If you do find any signs of moisture damage in your home, make sure to fix them promptly. Taking these precautions can help ensure that you are less likely to experience an unwanted termite infestation.


How Long Do Termites Need To Cause Damage?

The rate of damage caused by termites is affected by factors such as the size of the colony. A colony containing approximately 60,000 termites is able to cause structural damage to a 2×4 piece of wood in around 5 months.

Can I Prevent An Infestation Before It Happens?

Yes! Make sure there is no wood-to-ground contact in your yard and use pressure-treated wood when building decks or other wooden structures outdoors. Also, keep an eye out for leaking gutters and other moisture problems that may make your home more attractive to termites.

What are the first signs of termites?

The first signs of termites are small piles of sawdust, mud tubes around the foundation, hollowed or damaged wood, and swarmers (small bugs with wings).

How do I know if my termite infestation is bad?

Signs of a severe termite infestation include extensive mud tubes built on walls, ceilings, and floors; discarded wings near entry points to your home; piles of dead or dying termites in the home; buckling wood and hollowed-out wood; and, an odd “citrusy” smell. If you notice any of these signs, contact a licensed pest control professional immediately to assess the situation.

What kills termites instantly?

Boric acid can be used to kill termites instantly. It is a popular and effective method often used by professional exterminators to quickly treat an infestation.


If you are a homeowner in Epping, Melbourne, Australia, it is important to be aware of the signs of a termite infestation. This includes looking for discarded termite wings around your home and windowsills, small piles of sawdust-like material called frass near your walls, and hollow spots in any wood features around your home.

If you suspect that you have a termite infestation in your Epping home, contacting a professional pest control company is the best way to ensure that it is dealt with quickly and efficiently.
